Pune-based IT player Zensar Technologies Limited chief executive officer Ganesh Natarajan on Monday said the ailing Indian economy will force the IT companies to stay focused on the traditional IT markets such as US and Europe and avoid the domestic market for some time.
"A falling Rupee is a deterrent. There has been very poor decision making in the country. No body is going to look at the domestic market till the economy stabilises. IT companies will focus on the traditional markets - US and Europe," Zensar Technologies Limited chief executive officer Ganesh Natarajan said while speaking at the sidelines of the IT and ITeS Industry Association of Andhra Pradesh (ITsAP) HR summit here.
On being asked about the IT industry growth in this fiscal, Natarajan said the 13% - 14% growth that has been predicted by IT-body Nasscom was achievable.
"Compared to last year, the situation is much better. There is lot of opportunity as US, UK and Europe markets are in much better shape," he said.
Meanwhile, speaking about the company's future plans, Natarajan said, the company has appointed an investment banker to scout for acquisition opportunities in areas such as SAP or digital enterprises and the company is looking at a deal size between $25 million to $75 million.
However, he added that the company has not found the 'right' target yet but Zensar's growth will continue even if an acquisition does not take place.
Speaking about the company's hiring plans, Natarajan said, Zensar will be hiring close to 400 engineers and 150 non-engineers this fiscal.
Source: techgig.com
"A falling Rupee is a deterrent. There has been very poor decision making in the country. No body is going to look at the domestic market till the economy stabilises. IT companies will focus on the traditional markets - US and Europe," Zensar Technologies Limited chief executive officer Ganesh Natarajan said while speaking at the sidelines of the IT and ITeS Industry Association of Andhra Pradesh (ITsAP) HR summit here.
On being asked about the IT industry growth in this fiscal, Natarajan said the 13% - 14% growth that has been predicted by IT-body Nasscom was achievable.
"Compared to last year, the situation is much better. There is lot of opportunity as US, UK and Europe markets are in much better shape," he said.
Meanwhile, speaking about the company's future plans, Natarajan said, the company has appointed an investment banker to scout for acquisition opportunities in areas such as SAP or digital enterprises and the company is looking at a deal size between $25 million to $75 million.
However, he added that the company has not found the 'right' target yet but Zensar's growth will continue even if an acquisition does not take place.
Speaking about the company's hiring plans, Natarajan said, Zensar will be hiring close to 400 engineers and 150 non-engineers this fiscal.
Source: techgig.com